
What I have done.

Finding Nice MD5s Using Rust

A journey to try out Rust's SIMD and inline assembly

妖夢ちゃん published on
27 min, 5251 words

At the start of the week, a friend of mine sent me a link. "What an interesting yet pointless question!", both of us agreed. Later that day, another link was also sent to me. Apparently there was someone who did care a little bit. Out of curiosity, I opened the file, and it hit me: "How can I optimize this task?" The task did shout SIMD to me, and I knew rust has core::arch which provides many SIMD intrinsics. Hence my journey to try out Rust's SIMD and inline assembly began.

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TikZ Externalization for Beamer

Compile a single file if the figure doesn't change across overlays

妖夢ちゃん published on
7 min, 1209 words

Recently I made a presentation for a talk on FWCG2021. As always I went to Beamer. What was different this time was that I needed many figures, I mean, a lot. On top of that, I wanted to do overlays on these figures. Overleaf timed out when trying to compile all the TikZ figures so I turned to external. There are a lot of files to generate when I built the presentation locally and it was unbearably slow. Maybe there's a way to reduce the time, at least a little bit?

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